History of Lake, Porter, and LaPorte, 1927County history published by the Hsitorians' Association . . . .
The following history of
the Lake and Calumet Region of Indiana
was published in 1927 by the Historians' Association located in Indianapolis,
Indiana. The history was published
as a two volume set. The first volume contains a general history of the
Northwestern Indiana counties of Lake, LaPorte, and Porter; the second volume
represents a collection of biographical sketches.
Below, we present a complete transcription of the first volume of this set. Biographies
of individuals associated with Porter County that are contained in the
second volume have been fully transcribed and can be found on the
Biographies section of this website.
Unfortunately, this history of the counties of Lake, LaPorte, and Porter was
very poorly edited; in fact, it may not have been copy edited at all. Note that
no corrections have been made in this transcription for the large number of misspelled words,
incorrect dates, and
the innumerable spelling errors of named individuals. If you are
searching for a specific given and/or surname, then be certain to use alternative spelling(s) and
and phonetically spelled versions of the name.
Source Citation:
Cannon, Thomas H., H. H. Loring, and Charles J. Robb. 1927. History of
the Lake and Calumet Region of Indiana, Embracing the Counties of Lake,
Porter and LaPorte: An Historical Account of Its People and Its Progress
from the Earliest Times to the Present.
Volume I. Indianapolis, Indiana: Historians' Association. 840 p.
CHAPTER I - Geology and Topography
CHAPTER II - The Mound Builders
CHAPTER III - Days of Indian Occupancy
CHAPTER IV - Early Explorations
CHAPTER V - Border Warfare
CHAPTER VI - Lake and Calumet Region Becomes Part of United States
CHAPTER VII - After Wayne and Greenville - Tecumseh and the Prophet
CHAPTER VIII - Indian Peace
CHAPTER IX - Early Settlements and Pioneers - County Organization
CHAPTER X - Townships - Towns - Villages
CHAPTER XI - Pioneer Life
CHAPTER XII - The Lake Michigan Marshes
CHAPTER XIII - Agriculture and Livestock
CHAPTER XIV - Military Annals
CHAPTER XV - The Lake and Calumet Region in the World War
CHAPTER XVI - The Newspapers
CHAPTER XVII - The Medical Profession
CHAPTER XVIII - The Bench and Bar in the Lake and Calumet Region
CHAPTER XIX - Churches
CHAPTER XX - Schools
CHAPTER XXI - Libraries
CHAPTER XXII - Social Life
CHAPTER XXIII - The Dunes of Northwestern Indiana
CHAPTER XXIV - Banks and Banking
CHAPTER XXV - Transportation and Waterways
CHAPTER XXVII - Industrial Development
CHAPTER XXVIII - Chambers of Commerce
Transcribed by Steven R. Shook, December 2022