Porter County Biography Index, Surnames A-BPorter County biographical sketches . . . .

Below are Porter County biographies of individuals with surnames beginning with A through B. The index contains more than 1,300 transcribed biographies currently available on this website. Five major sources of published biographies, often referred to as "mug books," exist for Porter County, all of which have been transcribed and made available on this website. Many additional biographies on this website have been taken from a variety of other source materials. If you have written a biography of a former or present Porter County resident and would like to add it to this website, then please contact the Porter County GenWeb Coordinator.

           Surname Begins with A through B
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Surname, Given Name
Able 1976
Adams, George W. 1912
Adams, 1976
Agar, Edgerton W. 1927
Agnew, Nathan L. 1899
Ailes, Eslie Mae (Herron) 1976
Ailes, Harold and Annabel (Foster) 1976
Ailes, Walter 1976
Albe, Harry S. 1927
Albe, Julius 1927
Allenbrand, Peter 1912
Allison, James H. 1912
Alpen, F. W. 1927
Alpen, 1976
Alyea, Samuel 1882
Ameling, Joseph H. 1912
Anderson, Charles A. 1912
Anderson, Charles A. 1912
Anderson, Emil 1927
Anderson, Frank A. 1912
Anderson, Hilmer and John 1927
Anderson, John 1882
Anderson, Richard J. 1976
Anderson, Robert D. and Pauline J. 1976
Anderson, Samuel B. 1912
Anderson, W. N. 1918
Andreen, Gustav Albert 1908
Andreen, Gustav Albert 1910
Andreen, Gustave Albert 1911
Andreen, Gustave Albert 1913
Andrews, Harry S. 1911
Arnold, Charles S. 1912
Arnold, E. V. 1894
Arnold, Enness 1882
Arnold, George V. 1882
Arnold, Harry J. 1927
Asher, Benjamin 1882
Atkins, L. 1882
Atwell, W. T. 1976
Atwell, William T. 1912
Axe, Jacob 1882
Ayer, William Ward 1927
Aylesworth, Carroll W. 1927
Aylesworth, Porter 1882
Aylesworth, 1976
Babcock, G. W. 1882
Babcock, 1976
Bailey, Oliver 1882
Bailey, P. J. 1927
Baker, John L. 1882
Ball, Erasmus 1882
Ball, John C. 1882
Ball, Seneca 1882
Banta, William H. 1894
Barnard, Allen J. 1912
Barnard, J. 1882
Barnard, Job 1905
Barnard, Job 1909
Barnard, Job 1913
Barnard, N. 1882
Barnard, Nelson 1894
Barnes, Frank D. 1927
Barnes, Joseph D. 1882
Barnes, William J. 1882
Barnett, Henry and Minnie 1976
Barnholt, Hans 1882
Barrington, Byron J. 1976
Barry, Michael 1882
Bartholomew, A. D. 1882
Bartholomew, A. V. 1882
Bartholomew, Alvin D. 1912
Bartholomew, Charles L. 1927
Bartholomew, Charles Robert 1976
Bartholomew, John Newton 1912
Bartholomew, Joseph S. 1927
Bartholomew, William 1882
Bartholomew, William 1912
Bartz, William M. 1912
Bastel, 1976
Bates, Christopher 1894
Bates, Hail 1912
Battye, Charles 1882
Bauer, Jimmie W. 1976
Baum, Caroline 1894
Baum, James 1882
Baum, James W. 1882
Baum, Jesse 1882
Baum, John 1882
Baum, John 1886
Baum, Miller 1882
Baum, Silas 1882
Bay, Cyrus A. 1900
Bay, Levi F. 1912
Beach, Claude S. 1927
Beach, Ezra S. 1882
Beach, Frank L. 1912
Beach, George F. 1912
Beach, Harmon 1882
Beach, Sheldon 1894
Beach, Willard 1882
Beam, William 1882
Bearss, George 1976
Bearss, Sylvanus 1912
Bedenkop, Orin and Catherine Elizabeth (Loomis) 1976
Beebe, Orlando R. 1880
Beer, H. M. 1882
Belaschky, Donald 1976
Belcher, William C. 1927
Bell, Charles J. 1909
Bender, Conrad 1894
Benedict, Perry Wallace 1912
Bentley, Thomas N. 1882
Benton, Charles W. 1912
Benton, Charles W. 1927
Berdine, Henry 1882
Bergstrom, Frank 1882
Berlin, Jack 1976
Bernharts, Max and Minnie 1976
Berry, Virgil 1976
Bickel, Andrew 1912
Biggart, George 1882
Biggart, Robert E. 1882
Biggs, Ira M. 1912
Biggs, Myron Wilbur 1921
Blachly, Abraham L. 1882
Blachly, Cornelius A. 1927
Blachly, Miller C. 1882
Blachly, 1976
Blackstone, John K. 1882
Blackwell, Thomas 1882
Blake, Jared 1882
Blake, Jared 1912
Blanchard, Almond W. 1912
Blasingame, William D. 1976
Bliss, W. A. 1882
Bloch, Luther W. 1927
Bloeman, Lydia Frances 1976
Blount, Robley D. 1912
Blount, Robley D. 1927
Boehlke, John C. 1912
Bogarte, Martin Eugene 1912
Bond, Isaac V. 1882
Bond, Isaac V. 1894
Boo, William 1912
Boone, Robert M. 1912
Bornholt, Gust E. 1912
Bornholt, Gust E. 1927
Bornholt, Hans 1894
Bornholt, Hans 1912
Bostwick, Jasper B. 1882
Bowker, Thomas S. 1882
Bowman, John 1976
Bowser, Arthur J. 1912
Bowser, Arthur J. 1927
Bozarth, Nelson J. 1912
Bradley, Charles D. 1912
Bradley, John B. 1882
Bradly, James S. 1882
Brady, William R. and Hilda P.  
Brand, L. D. 1880
Brewer, Jacob 1900
Breyfogle, Michael J. 1900
Briggs, Frank Roy 1927
Brink, Claus 1912
Brodie, John 1894
Brody, Ezra F. 1912
Brooker, Alfred I. 1894
Brough, George 1882
Brough, John B. 1882
Brown, A. L. 1882
Brown, Francis 1882
Brown, Frank J. 1976
Brown, Geneva Axe 1927
Brown, George 1882
Brown, George 1882
Brown, H. B. 1882
Brown, Henry B. 1894
Brown, Henry B. 1912
Brown, Matthew A. 1927
Brown, Thomas M. 1912
Brown, William Emery 1882
Brown, William H. 1887
Brown, William T. 1882
Brown, William Thomas 1912
Brummitt, Henry 1882
Brummitt, John W. 1894
Brummitt, Marion Putnam 1912
Brummitt, Mark L. 1907
Brummitt, William 1882
Bryant, Charles 1912
Bryant, David 1882
Bryant, Elias 1882
Bryant, James E. 1882
Bryant, James Edmund 1894
Bryant, Joseph 1882
Bryant, Robert 1882
Buchanan, James A. 1882
Buchanan, James N. 1894
Bull, George W. 1912
Bullis, Eugene E. 1976
Bundy, James 1882
Burch, Lawrence E. 1976
Burge, James 1882
Burkhart, Jacob 1912
Burns, Edward M. 1894
Burns, Warren E. 1905
Burstrom, Frederick 1882
Burstrom, Frederick 1894
Burwell, A. A. 1882
Busse, John H. 1894
Butterfield, David Allen and Katherine Dena 1976

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           Biographies transcribed by Steven R. Shook


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