Hannah Burge, Obituary/Death NoticePorter County obituaries and death notices . . . .

Hannah Burge

In this village, on March 11th, Hannah Burge, in the 65th year of her age.

She was born in Howel, Monmouth county, New Jersey, Aug. 27, 1790; married to Charles Fisher in 1810; left a widow in 1813; married to Richard Burge in 1816; emigrated to Macedon, Wayne county, New York, in 1834, thence to Sandusky county, Ohio, in 1840, thence to Monticello, Indiana, in 1845, and thence to Valparaiso in 1851, during which year she had again been left a widow. She was the mother of 9 children -- 6 yet living; and had 39 grandchildren -- 30 yet living.

Sister Burge was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church about 40 years since. The last time the writer visited her she was calm and talked of dying with the same composure that any one would do upon any other interesting subject. Her last sickness was short, but her sufferings were great, and death found her composed, and confiding in Him in whom she had believed.


Newspaper: Practical Observer
Date of Publication: March 30, 1854
Volume Number: 2
Issue Number: 14
Page: 3
Column(s): 2

Key to Newspaper Publication Locations:
    Newspapers Published in Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana
                Chesterton Tribune
                The Tribune
                Westchester Tribune

    Newspapers Published in Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana
                Porter County Vidette
                Practical Observer
                Valparaiso Practical Observer
                Vidette and Republic
                Western Ranger

The obituaries and death notices appearing on this website have been transcribed exactly as they were originally published in the newspaper. Please note that we do not provide photocopies or digital scans of obituaries and death notices appearing on this website.

Obituary/death notice transcribed by Steven R. Shook


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