Porter County Civil War SoldiersPorter County citizens who served in the Civil War. . . .

The Hardesty List of Porter County Civil War Soldiers

A. G. Hardesty published an enumeration of Porter County Civil War Soldiers in his 1876 historical atlas of Porter County. The list contains 1,103 records. The records appear to have been generated by compiling information from muster in and muster out records. Note that several individuals appear more than once in the records; these individuals would enlist for a certain time period, muster out at the end of the time period, and then re-enlist, often with another company and/or regiment.

It should also be noted many individuals named in the list may not have been residents of Porter County. It was common for men enlisting into service during the Civil War to travel to other counties to enlist in order to enter a company or regiment of their choice. Boys not yet meeting the enlistment age requirement would also travel to other counties where they were not known by others in order to enlist. It is known that several individuals who were from Porter County who indeed served in the Civil War are not contained in the Hardesty enumeration of Civil War soldiers.

The information contained here has been transcribed exactly as it was published. As a result, misspellings and/or incorrect information may exist. We recommend the use of the National Park Service's Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System to cross check the accuracy of the information provided in the Hardesty list.

A Brief History of Porter County in the Civil War was also published by A. G. Hardesty.

Source Citation:
Hardesty, A. G. 1876. Historical Atlas of Porter County, Indiana. Valparaiso, Indiana: A. G. Hardesty. 90 p.

Surname, Given Name
Abel, Philetus
Ablet, John
Adams, David C.
Adams, Nelson B.
Adams, Stephen
Adams, William H.
Adams, William H.
Alenbrands, Joseph
Alford, Thomas
Allen, Charles
Allen, Solomon
Alyea, David
Alyea, David
Alyea, George W.
Alyea, Gideon
Alyea, Gideon
Alyea, Jacob
Alyea, Jacob
Alyea, John R.
Alysworth, Thomas
Anderson, Charles
Anderson, John
Anderson, John
Andrew, Sillman B.
Andrews, Stillman F.
Apple, Thomas
Armitag, David
Arnold, Charles
Artist, Harvey
Arvin, David
Asher, Edward
Asher, James
Asher, John
Asher, John
Asher, John I.
Atriel, Joshua M.
Ault, Henry
Axe, Albert
Axe, Albert
Axe, Elias J.
Aye, Isaiah
Ayers, William
Babbit, W. A.
Babbit, Warren
Babcock, John L.
Bagley, Daniel C.
Bagley, Orlando
Bair, Benjamin F.
Baker, Isaac
Baker, William P.
Bales, John H. G.
Baps, John
Barcum, Henry
Barker, George W.
Barnes, George W.
Barnes, Walter I.
Bartholomew, Gustice
Bartlett, Teeo. M.
Baughman, John
Bauhm, Preston
Baum, Americus
Baum, Napoleon
Bauman, John
Bay, Cyrus A.
Beadle, Horris
Beadle, Norris
Beam, Isaiah B.
Bean, Isaac
Beaver, Nicholas
Beck, John H. N.
Beebe, George
Beebe, John
Beebe, McGeorge
Beebe, Orlando
Beebe, Orlando R.
Beebe, W. J.
Beek, George W.
Beemen, Warren
Beeves, W. H.
Bell, Adam
Bell, James
Benhart, George
Benhart, Paul
Benson, Oliver
Berk, Jacob C
Berows, Thomas C.
Berringer, Peter
Bible, Levi
Biggs, Benjamin
Biggs, George W.
Biggs, Jonathan
Billings, John
Billington, Charles F.
Billyden, John
Birch, George W.
Bishop, Cleveland
Blachley, William W.
Black, Andrew
Blackley, Miller
Blackley, Miller
Blackley, Napoleon B.
Blade, William
Boewer, John B.
Bogarth, Nelson J.
Boget, George
Booth, Clark B.
Booth, Palmer H.
Bornhold, Hans
Bosley, Richard F.
Bostwick, Samuel
Bousher, Anthony
Bowen, John D.
Bowen, Jonathan
Bowman, John L.
Bradburn, Charles H.
Bradley, George J.
Brammill, William
Brandon, Perry
Brauman, Pat
Brayfogle, Nicholas
Brecount, Franklin
Brewer, Abner W.
Brewer, Lemuel
Brewer, Winfield B.
Briggs, George W.
Brinn, Charles
Brock, John
Brockway, Simeon
Brooks, Boon
Brooks, Job
Brooks, Riley H.
Brown, Abner S.
Brown, Benjamin M.
Brown, Charles C.
Brown, Charles C.
Brown, Christopher
Brown, Elmer H.
Brown, Fernander
Brown, George A.
Brown, Hugh A.
Brown, Hugh A.
Brown, John
Brown, John L.
Brown, John S.
Brown, John W.
Brown, Lewis
Brown, Louman
Brown, William D.
Brown, William V.
Brown, William W.
Brumley, William
Bryant, David W.
Bryant, James M.
Buchanan, Thomas
Budd, William
Buel, Champion E.
Bull, Charles C. H.
Bull, Charles C. H.
Bullio, James
Bullis, Perry
Bundy, George
Bunting, David
Burge, Byron
Burk, John K.
Burstrum, Frank
Buzzard, Daniel
Cadwell, Homer O.
Cain, Leonard
Cain, William
Cameron, David
Capers, Isaac
Carl, Michael
Carley, Albert A.
Carlin, Elza
Carlin, Higham
Carlle, John M.
Carman, Charles
Carmin, Asal G.
Carnay, Henry
Carpenter, Ed
Carpenter, Sebbino R.
Carswell, Stoddard
Carter, Jerome
Cartwright, Neal
Case, Hiram A.
Cassell, John M.
Casteel, John
Castle, Alfred E.
Castleman, Josiah
Cavillee, Philander
Chambers, Joseph
Chester, Elmer T.
Chester, Taylor E.
Christie, William R.
Christy, William R.
Clark, Cassius
Clark, Elbridge
Clark, Henry W.
Clark, John
Clark, Orin S.
Clark, Reuben
Clark, Thomas
Clifford, Charles
Clifford, Daniel S.
Clites, William H.
Cloidt, Anton
Cobb, Martin
Cobb, Reuben S.
Cobb, Robert
Colby, Henry
Cole, Andrew J.
Cole, David P.
Cole, Giles E.
Cole, John C.
Cole, Rush C.
Coleman, Ambrose
Coleman, Amos
Coleman, Stephen
Coleman, William
Coller, George H.
Colvin, Samuel
Conklin, Isaac
Conner, James R.
Conner, Samuel
Connover, John
Cook, John
Cook, John H.
Cooley, George W.
Cooley, John W.
Cooley, Peter
Corbin, Martin
Cord, John
Corey, Lorenzo D.
Cornish, William
Coslet, Sylvester
Cotton, Elie
Coulson, Chancy R.
Covert, Jeremiah
Cowley, Scott E.
Cox, Reuben H.
Cramer, Charles
Cramer, Jacob
Crane, Ed
Crawford, Henry B.
Crawford, John R.
Crawford, William
Crawford, William J.
Crisman, Addison
Crisman, Harrison
Crisman, Isaac
Crisman, Oliver
Crisman, Oliver
Crisman, William
Cromer, James R.
Crosby, Ed
Crow, Almerson
Crow, Thomas
Culver, Elijah
Cunningham, W.
Curtis, Alanthus
Curtis, Charles C.
Curtis, Samuel
Curtis, Willard W.
Curtis, William
Curtiss, William
Cyphers, Phillip T.
Davidson, Charles C.
Davidson, Nick
Davis, Elias
Davis, John S.
De Hart, Isaac H.
De Hart, William
De Moss, Nathan
De Mott, Charles W.
Decker, Charles
Dehaven, Henry
Deion, Alexander
Dell, Jesse
Depance, Wallace L.
Dickle, Lewis
Dillie, Calvin
Dillie, Horatio
Dimmie, James S.
Dobson, George
Doering, Joseph
Dolan, Thomas
Dolson, Abraham W.
Donn, Elias
Doolittle, Ira
Dorance, W. B.
Doring, Abraham
Dorsey, Curtis
Dorsey, Michael
Downis, Isaac L.
Draper, Hiram
Drawns, Fred W.
Drullinger, Robert F.
Drury, John
Dumphry, Nicholas
Dunham, Henry
Dunham, Luther S.
Dunlap, George M.
Dunn, Samuel P.
Durkee, Clark
Dye, Napoleon
Dye, Napoleon
Dye, Xavier
Eahart, James
Edmonds, Charles M.
Edmonds, Warren
Edson, John
Edwards, Nelson
Egleson, John
Elder, Dan. M.
Elliott, William
Ellis, Augustus A.
Ellis, Duane
Ellis, Edward E.
English, James A.
English, William
Ensign, Joseph A.
Erickson, Nelse A.
Ernst, Joseph
Essex, Joshua R.
Esterly, George W.
Estes, John
Eton, William
Evans, Robert O.
Feame, Thomas
Fessden, John
Fifield, Zacheus B.
Filed, Edgar
Finney, George W.
Fisher, George
Fisher, Henry
Fitzwilliams, John
Fitzwilliams, John
Fleming, Andrew
Fleming, Jacob
Fletcher, Benajmin F.
Flood, John
Flueallen, Isaac
Flueallen, Robert
Fluellen, John
Flukehart, Ed. W.
Foker, William
Foker, William
Foley, Francis
Folsome, Andrew J.
Forgartz, Martin
Foster, Emanuel
Foster, James
Fox, John N.
Fox, Josiah B.
Fox, Thomas
Frame, Frank W.
Frame, John I.
Frame, Levi C.
Frawson, Mathius
Frazzee, George
Freed, Oscar D.
Freed, Thomas
Freeland, Sheldon
Freeman, John W.
Freeman, John W.
Freeman, Park
Freeman, Rufus
Freeman, William W.
French, Alpheus
French, Solon
Friend, Charles
Fuller, Anton
Fuller, Edmond
Fuller, John
Fuller, Joseph A.
Fuller, Stephen H.
Fuller, William H.
Fulson, Richard F.
Furgason, Ezra
Furgason, Frank
Furgason, Freeborn G.
Furgason, John
Furgason, Samuel
Galbraith, Warren C.
Gamber, David
Garrett, William
Garrison, James
Garrison, William H.
Garwood, Edward J.
Gassett, Benjeman F.
Gaylord, Charles C.
Geisix, John
Gesser, Frederick
Getchel, George
Gibbs, Ham
Gibbs, Harvey
Gibbson, Richard
Gilbert, Henry
Gillman, John S.
Gillmore, Samuel
Glazor, Asa
Glover, Alexander
Glover, Jonathan
Gnisicks, Anthony
Goff, Henry
Gogan, Charles M.
Gogan, William
Golde, Robert
Goodyer, John
Goold, Charles
Gordon, Eli J.
Gordon, George
Gordon, John M.
Gordon, Joseph
Gordon, Noah H.
Gordon, Salmon
Gouldsbury, John
Gouldsbury, Will
Graham, Robert W.
Granger, Henry
Granger, W. J.
Gray, James J.
Green, Azariah
Green, Francis
Green, Ira
Green, John R.
Green, Leander
Gregory, Edward
Gregory, James R.
Griffith, John J.
Griswold, Andrew J.
Gunder, Joshua
Gunter, George N.
Gurney, Charles M.
Gustafson, Adolphus
Hackett, Horace H.
Hagerman, Charles
Hald, Julius
Hall, Edward
Hall, Robert
Hall, Theodore R.
Hammer, Peter
Hanby, Martin
Haney, Paul
Hannabuth, William
Hanner, Peter
Hardesty, Adolphus
Harding, Stephen
Harlan, Joshua
Harmon, William
Harmon, William
Harris, Frank
Harrison, John
Harrold, William
Hart, William D.
Haskins, Nicholas
Haste, George S.
Hause, John
Hawkins, Albert
Hawkins, John
Haynes, Alonzo
Hearing, Lorenzo D.
Hendee, William H.
Henry, Joseph
Herbert, George
Herning, Henry C.
Herr, John B.
Hettmanspergher, F. R.
Hicks, John A.
Hicks, William T.
Hider, William
Hilderly, David
Hilderly, David
Hildreth, Harvey
Hill, David
Hill, Hiram C.
Hill, Jacob T. C.
Hill, Othaniel P.
Hineline, John
Hitchcock, Lester
Hixon, George C.
Hoach, John
Hodges, James
Hoffman, John S.
Holland, James
Holland, Thomas
Holtsman, Isaac
Hooserline, John
Hoosline, Michael
Horner, Berzillian
Horst, Edward
Horst, John
Hough, Charles B.
Howard, Charles E.
Howard, James D.
Howard, W. H. H.
Hughes, James G.
Hughes, Joseph
Hughes, Thomas
Hull, William
Hungersford, Byron B.
Hunt, George W.
Hunter, G. W.
Huntindgen, Ben F.
Huntindgen, Geo. W.
Huntington, George W.
Huntly, William C.
Huntly, William H.
Hyde, Hiram
Isaacson, Andrew
Isininger, William
Jackson, Albert H.
Jackson, Albert H.
Jackson, Charles D.
Jackson, Hiram
Jackson, Joseph C.
Jackson, Peter
Jackson, Peter N.
Jackson, Robert
Jaqua, Uriah D.
Jenkins, Jacob
Jenkins, Jacob V.
Johnson, Amos H.
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Aug
Johnson, August
Johnson, Claus
Johnson, Edward D.
Johnson, Frank
Johnson, Hiram B.
Johnson, James
Johnson, James
Johnson, John
Johnson, Russell B.
Johnson, Samuel S.
Johnson, Timothy
Johnson, Timothy
Jones, Aaron L.
Jones, Adelbert
Jones, Albert
Jones, Avery
Jones, Benj. O.
Jones, Erasmus J.
Jones, Erwin D.
Jones, George H.
Jones, George W.
Jones, Gustavus
Jones, Jacob
Jones, John P.
Jones, Jonathan S.
Jones, Mathew
Jones, Samuel H.
Jones, Sylvester
Jones, Thomas F.
Jones, William A.
Jorgsun, Nicholas
Julian, Miller
Keene, Frederick
Keller, Lewis
Kelly, Charles W.
Kelly, Wesley B.
Kennedy, Edward A.
Kennedy, Edward R.
Kern, Frederick
Kersey, Albert H.
Kersey, Robert B.
Kester, John L.
Ketchum, Charles
Ketchum, Charles
Kimball, Ben. F.
Kimball, Morris B.
Kindig, Jacob
Kindig, Jessee
King, Eugene
King, Lawrence
King, Sylvester
Kingsburry, George B.
Kiplin, Robert B.
Kipling, Thomas L.
Kitchel, Stephen
Kitchell, David
Kitchell, Frederick
Kitchen, Frederick
Kitchen, Jerome B.
Kitchen, Mathew
Kitchen, Thomas
Kluck, Charles
Knapp, Isaac
Knickerbocker, Thomas
Knode, Israel
Kocher, Fred
Kopp, Lewis
Kotts, Samuel G.
Kouts, Samuel G.
Koutts, Daniel
Lansing, George
Lansing, Robert
Lawyer, John
Layester, Perry
Leahy, William
Legget, Jesse
Lewis, James
Lewis, Lewis B.
Lewis, Orin W.
Libbie, William
Lightfoot, Leander
Linderbeck, Charles
Little, Martin
Little, Richard
Livingood, George W.
Livingood, Henry
Livingston, Edward
Livingston, Moses
Livingston, Robert
Lochmiller, Jacob
Lock, Otho
Long, Henry W.
Lonoir, James L.
Loomis, William D.
Louis, Edward
Louis, Thomas H.
Loux, Charles L.
Loux, Ephraim K.
Lynch, James
Lynch, William H.
Lynde, Leonard
Lynde, Lorin W.
Lyon, Warren
Lytle, Aaron W.
Lytle, Aaron W.
Mackey, James G.
Mackey, Thomas R.
Mahanny, Amos
Main, Elias
Maine, David G.
Malone, Laurance
Malone, W. F.
Malotte, Francis
Margeston, Isaac
Marguard, Guestar A.
Marine, Edward
Marsh, Harlow
Marsh, James
Marsh, John
Marsh, John
Marshal, Ed
Marshall, John B.
Marshall, William
Matheny, John
Matott, Francis
Maudlin, John
Maulsby, Leny
Maxwell, George
Maxwell, John
Maxwell, Thomas W.
Mayhew, Herman L.
McAllester, Robert C.
McAllister, William
McAntz, Abraham
McAthon, Mathias
McAvoy, Kern
McBride, Isaac R.
McCarting, Will S.
McConnell, Allen W.
McCool, Thomas
McCorckle, Joseph T.
McCumsey, Isaac W.
McCumsey, John
McCurdy, George
McCurdy, John N.
McCurdy, John W.
McDaniels, Samuel F.
McDaniels, Samuel F.
McDorman, Risden
McGill, James M.
McGowan, Sloan
McHenry, Michael
McIntosh, George L.
McKee, James
McKinsey, George
McMahon, Pat
McMathon, Mathias
McMurphy, Alonzo
McNally, James
McNay, Robert
McWindle, William
Meeker, James
Meeker, Robert S.
Mellor, William
Merrill, Orin
Merriott, Samuel
Miliner, Thomas
Millar, George
Millard, Delaphlain
Millard, John B.
Millard, Varnhan W.
Miller, Charles
Miller, David
Miller, Enos
Miller, George
Miller, Henry B.
Miller, High H.
Millner, George S.
Mills, John R.
Mitchell, Charles B.
Mitchell, Mathew
Moker, Jacob
Montgomery, Seymore P.
Moon, John
Moore, William H.
Moores, Jeff. A.
Moorhouse, Homer
Morris, Edward D.
Morrison, Henry
Morse, Reuben S.
Mossholler, William
Mount, Nicholas B.
Munson, Charles
Murphy, Felix J.
Murphy, Thomas
Murry, Eathan
Murry, John M.
Murry, John W.
Muster, John
Muster, John
Mutchler, Levi H.
Myers, Daniel H.
Myers, James M. C.
Neat, St. Geneve
Neeley, Ambrose
Neff, Joseph
Neson, William
Nichols, George A.
Nichson, Thomas
Nickerron, Alexander
North, Selah P.
Olinger, Henry E.
Oliver, David
Oliver, Harlan S.
Oliver, Haspen C.
Oliver, John
Oneal, Cornelius
Orange, Thomas
Orr, Alexander J.
Orr, Charles
Osborn, Charles O.
Osborn, Charles T.
Osborn, Daniel L.
Osborn, Francis A.
Page, William
Palmateer, Ellis
Palmer, Frank M.
Parker, Mathew W.
Parker, Mathew W.
Peck, Ruthven O.
Peek, Francis M.
Peeler, Hiram
Pendergrast, Thomas
Peoples, Jacob
Perry, Eugene
Perry, John L.
Peterr, John
Peterson, Cyrus
Peterson, George F.
Peterson, Henry N.
Peterson, Hiram
Peterson, Isaac S.
Peterson, John
Peterson, John A.
Phares, Samuel M.
Phay, Elow
Phay, Joshua
Phay, Stephen R.
Pierce, Melvin
Pierce, Winfield
Pierson, George H.
Pierson, George H.
Piper, James E.
Platt, Aaron
Pollett, James W.
Pomory, Levin
Porter, George W.
Porter, Lewis H.
Post, George
Post, Henry
Powell, George
Powers, Henry
Powers, James K.
Pratt, Charles A.
Pratt, Henry
Pratt, Moses G. J.
Pratt, Thomas
Pratt, William H.
Price, Nathaniel S.
Prichett, William L.
Pugh, William H.
Pullins, William
Purdy, Thomas S.
Pursall, Henry
Quinn, George
Quinn, Luman
Quinn, Oliver P.
Quinn, Thomas
Ragan, James T.
Ragan, Joseph L.
Rains, Allen
Rang, Hiram
Rathbone, Edgar
Rathburn, William
Reed, James V.
Reeves, William H.
Reynolds, Allen W.
Reynolds, Allen W.
Rhue, William
Rice, Jacob
Riddle, Carlons
Riddle, Garoles J.
Riddle, John
Ritter, George K.
Ritter, John J.
Ritter, Thomas J.
Ritz, John
Roberts, John S.
Robinson, Edward
Robinson, Edward L.
Robinson, Edward L.
Robinson, Jack
Robinson, Jacob G.
Robinson, Michael
Robinson, Morris M.
Robinson, Myron S.
Robinson, Rollin B.
Robinson, Summer
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, William H.
Rodabaugh, Noah F.
Rogers, Joseph H.
Rood, Leonard
Roweder, Rheimer
Rowland, Isaac D.
Ruchong, James
Rust, John E.
Rustling, Richard
Rutledge, Wade I.
Saint, Allen P.
Salsbury, Francis
Sampson, Morris
Samuelson, John P.
Samuelson, Samuel A.
Sanders, Abner
Sanders, Reuben
Sass, Charles
Saunders, Duane
Saunders, Gen
Scott, Charles H.
Scott, Charles H.
Sdurburn, Cal C.
Seibert, John
Selleck, David W.
Sellman, Charles
Shaffer, John
Shaffer, John
Shaning, John
Sharp, Abel B.
Shea, John
Shea, Michael
Shedell, Sebastian
Sheets, Aug
Sheets, Sylvester
Sheldon, Joseph
Sherman, Amasa
Sherman, Ira
Sherman, Seth P.
Sherwood, James R.
Shinabarger, Hugh P.
Shinabarger, John
Shinabarger, John H.
Shinabarger, Peter H.
Sholer, Chris. H.
Sholl, Edward
Sholl, Jacob
Sholl, Thomas
Shores, Eugene
Shortridge, Irenus
Shortridge, Irenus
Shoup, George
Shumaker, Albert
Shumaker, Edwin W.
Shumaker, Gilber
Shuts, Charles
Sigler, John A.
Sillman, Stephen
Simmer, Horace
Simmons, Henry C.
Skinner, Charles F.
Skinner, Early
Skinner, Eberly
Skinner, Henry O.
Skinner, Hillard
Skinner, John H.
Sleeper, Charles
Slight, Charles H.
Smiley, Ambrose
Smith, Alonzo D.
Smith, Anthony W.
Smith, Anthony W.
Smith, Charles P.
Smith, Elexander
Smith, Henry
Smith, Hiram
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, James H.
Smith, John
Smith, John H.
Smith, John J.
Smith, Joseph R.
Smith, Lewis
Smith, Luther
Smith, Oscar B.
Smith, Thomas H.
Smith, Willard
Smith, William E.
Southward, James
Sovereign, Frederick F.
Soverign, Fred
Soward, John H.
Spafford, Levi O.
Spangle, Moses
Sparks, John
Sparks, William C.
Spath, John
Spaulding, James
Spear, Charles S.
Spears, Cornelius
Speere, Edward
Spencer, Albert
Spencer, Albert
Spencer, Azra
Spencer, Elie
Spencer, Orsemus H.
Spicer, Jesse R.
Spinner, William
Spray, Banister
Squire, Ed. S.
Stallcup, Ben
Steel, Ambros
Stephens, Hiram W.
Stevens, Fernando
Stevens, William
Stevens, William W.
Stewart, Charles E.
Stewart, John
Stewart, William A.
Stillson, James H.
Stillwell, Samuel S.
Stinchcomb, Charles
Stoddard, Heber
Stoddard, Henry S.
Stoddard, John
Stoddard, Lewis S.
Stoddard, Robert
Stoddard, Sheldon
Stormes, Judson D.
Street, Thomas
Street, Wesley
Streeter, William
Stroud, Thomas
Sturdevant, Sol
Sullivan, Matt
Summer, James B.
Sutton, Addison P.
Sutton, John M.
Sutton, Samuel
Suzder, Valentine
Sweet, John R.
Sweet, Marion J.
Sweet, Young A.
Swisher, Jack
Taylor, John W.
Teeter, John
Temple, Lyman
Temple, Palmer
Tenning, Rudolph
Terrica, William
Thacher, Alexander
Thacher, Allen S.
Thacher, Baker
Thacher, David
Thacher, Manford
Theil, theodore
Thomas, John S.
Thomas, Wesley D.
Thompson, Charles
Thompson, Henry A.
Thompson, Peter
Thompson, Peter
Thompson, Sydney
Thornton, Stephen
Tidball, John A.
Tilbery, Jacob
Tompkins, Laurance
Torpy, John
Triece, George W.
Trinkle, Leander
Trubarger, John W.
Turner, Francis M.
Turner, James
Turner, Joseph
Turner, William
Underwood, John B.
Underwood, William H.
Uran, James
Urbans, John C.
Vanatter, James A.
Vanderbark, John
Vandolson, William
Vaneman, James
Vanness, Israel
Vanness, Thomas
Vanslike, Alfred
Vanwicklien, Benj.
Vistal, Lafayette
Vore, Thomas
Vorhes, Benj.
Waggoner, Card I.
Wallace, Frank W.
Wallace, John
Walter, Oliver
Walters, Jacob
Walters, Lewis
Walters, Philip
Walton, Hiram W.
Watson, DeWitt C.
Watson, Wesley
Waugh, William
Weaver, Samuel
Webb, Delarma
Webb, Samuel P.
Wells, William C.
Welsh, Alvin
Weltch, Thomas
Wessels, Owen
Wetson, Charles
Whalen, Andrew
Wheeler, Charles
Wheeler, Charles W.
Wheeler, Elias
Wheeler, George
Wheeler, Michael
Wheeler, Orvill
Wheeler, William E.
Whitcomb, Oreltus
White, Ambrose S.
White, Ambrose S.
White, Charles W.
White, Chester F.
White, Harvey
White, Joseph
Whitmore, Andrew
Whitmore, Nath G.
Wick, Jacob
Wieth, Mathew
Willey, Joseph H.
William, James
Williams, Clark S.
Williams, George
Williams, George
Williams, Lewis C.
Williamson, James T.
Williamson, Will J.
Willis, Sylvester
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, Stephen P.
Winslow, Allen
Winslow, Seth
Winter, Alfred
Wise, Henry W.
Wise, Samuel
Wise, Samuel
Wise, Samuel
Wise, William A.
Wise, William A.
Witham, Simon
Wolf, Charles C.
Wood, David W.
Wood, Haynes P.
Wood, Lyman J.
Wood, Milton
Wooster, Irwin
Woster, William
Wright, Hilary A.
Yates, Jonathan
Yorgeson, Hans
Young, George A.
Young, Martin
Young, Newton W.
Younglove, William
Youngson, Peter
Zea, George W.
Zea, Joseph W.


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