Frank McNeff, Obituary/Death NoticePorter County obituaries and death notices . . . .
Frank McNeff
DIED -- Frank McNeff at the residence of his parents on Monday morning March 7th.
Youth may flatter itself with the expectation of many years of enjoyment and pleasure, but as we know by experience even upon such death steals unforeseen and thousands are snatched away by this mercyless gleaner whom they would endeavor to forget, but who does not forget them. Again we are called upon to chronicle the death of one of Chesterton's youths, who was growing into manhood.
His parents rested their eyes on his developing strength, and pictured a future of his companionship and side in the days of their old age. Yet, the inscrutable wisdom of the Master on High had other plans, and that deceptively lurking disease consumption, blasted the bud in its developing process and after sixteen summers it unfolds itself after the damp and chilly air of winter in its cold and pallid form of silent clay.
Consumption had traced its marks for some time and last Sunday evening Father Kroll was called to prepare the youth for his last and decisive struggle of this life. It was prepared by him for his First holu Communion and also for Extreme Unction, the sacrament for the dying. With his Savior's first entrance into his heart, under sacramental species he bid adieu to all that was of this earth.
The funeral took place at St. Partick's church on Wednesday morning at 9 A. M. the parents, brothers and sister have our heart felt sympaty. May a christian spirit assuage their grief, strengthen them to bear the hear of day and prepare them to meet and enjoy the company of that youthful blossom in a better land.
Newspaper: The Tribune
Date of Publication: March 11, 1892
Volume Number: 8
Issue Number: 48
Page: 4
Column(s): 4
Key to Newspaper Publication Locations:
Newspapers Published in Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana
Chesterton Tribune
The Tribune
Westchester Tribune
Newspapers Published in Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana
Porter County Vidette
Practical Observer
Valparaiso Practical Observer
Vidette and Republic
Western Ranger
The obituaries and death notices appearing on this website have been transcribed exactly as they were originally published in the newspaper.
Please note that we do not provide photocopies or digital scans of obituaries and death notices
appearing on this website.
Obituary/death notice transcribed by Steven R. Shook