James H. McLaughlin, Obituary/Death NoticePorter County obituaries and death notices . . . .

James H. McLaughlin

James McLaughlin.
Sad as the task is we are called upon to chronicle the death of one of Valparaiso's brightest young men, James McLaughlin. He was born May 31, 1862, at Valparaiso, and died on Dec. 2d, 1883, being 21 years, 5 months and 2 days old at his death.

His father dying 21 years ago and his mother 16 years ago, he was left in the care of his uncle, Thomas McLaughlin, of Lansing, Ills., and remained with him until he arrived at the age of 16 years, when he came to Valparaiso as the ward of Rev. M. O'Reilly and attended St. Paul's School. Having splendid opportunities he took advantage of them and obtained a thorough education. In his 18th year he obtained the position of principal of Wanatah High School, which position he filled to the credit of himself and satisfaction of the people there.

In July, 1882, he was affected with hemorrhage of the lungs, which ultimately developed into consumption. After consulting with eminent physicians of Chicago and elsewhere, without finding any relief, he went to New Mexico, expecting that a change of climate would benefit him, but he returned from there six weeks ago having received no benefit from the change, and then he prepared for the inevitable. Gradually sinking under the ravages of the dread disease, yet never for an instant giving way to it, its effects were scarcely perceivable to his friends. Still he knew how near he was to the end and made every preparation to leave this world. Everything was attended to even to the merest trifle. On the day of his death he called his friends around his bed-side and said, "It's just 21 years ago to-day since father died, and I am going too." Shortly after he received the last sacraments of the Catholic church of which he was a devout member, and soon went to his Creator.

His remains were brought here yesterday for interment. Funeral services were held in St. Paul's church, and an affecting sermon was preached by Rev. M. O'Reilly. The Valparaiso City Band attended the funeral as a body in honor of the deceased who was a member of St. Paul's Cornet Band. Heading the funeral procession, discoursing solemn music, the scene was very affecting.

Many hearts were saddened with the thought that one so young, so noble, so talented, with such a brilliant future before him, should die just on reaching manhood. But the Lord loveth a shining mark, and doth all things for the best.

He leaves one brother, Thomas J. McLaughlin, the sole survivor of a family of four children, to mourn his loss. May his soul rest in peace.

Newspaper: Porter County Vidette
Date of Publication: December 6, 1883
Volume Number: 27
Issue Number: 49
Page: 8
Column(s): 5

Key to Newspaper Publication Locations:
    Newspapers Published in Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana
                Chesterton Tribune
                The Tribune
                Westchester Tribune

    Newspapers Published in Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana
                Porter County Vidette
                Practical Observer
                Valparaiso Practical Observer
                Vidette and Republic
                Western Ranger

The obituaries and death notices appearing on this website have been transcribed exactly as they were originally published in the newspaper. Please note that we do not provide photocopies or digital scans of obituaries and death notices appearing on this website.

Obituary/death notice transcribed by Steven R. Shook


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