Aaron Goodwin, Obituary/Death NoticePorter County obituaries and death notices . . . .
Aaron Goodwin
Resolutions of Condolence.
Hall of Hebron Lodge No. 502 A. F. A. M. -- Whereas it has pleased the Supreme Architect of the Universe to remove from our midst our esteemed brother Aaron Goodwin, who departed this life Feb. 14th, 1885, therefore, be it resolved, that by his death the family lose a loving member, the community an honorable, upright citizen, the Fraternity a faithful and efficient brother, and while we extend our sympathies to the afflicted family in this their hour of bereavement we sincerely hope and trust that our deceased brother in leaving this terrestrial body has gained admission into that celestial body above, that spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
E. I. IRVIN, } Com.
Newspaper: Porter County Vidette
Date of Publication: February 26, 1885
Volume Number: 29
Issue Number: 9
Page: 6
Column(s): 2
Key to Newspaper Publication Locations:
Newspapers Published in Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana
Chesterton Tribune
The Tribune
Westchester Tribune
Newspapers Published in Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana
Porter County Vidette
Practical Observer
Valparaiso Practical Observer
Vidette and Republic
Western Ranger
The obituaries and death notices appearing on this website have been transcribed exactly as they were originally published in the newspaper.
Please note that we do not provide photocopies or digital scans of obituaries and death notices
appearing on this website.
Obituary/death notice transcribed by Steven R. Shook