Rhoda Bates, Obituary/Death NoticePorter County obituaries and death notices . . . .
Rhoda Bates
Additional Local.
The funeral of Mrs. W. H. Banta, which occurred at 11 a. m. Monday from the M. E. church, was attended by a very large number of sympathizing friends. The Parnassus club formed in line at W. P. Wilcox's and proceeded to the residence of the deceased, from which place they marched by alternate pairs of ladies and gentlement to the church, where seats had been reserved for them adjacent to those to be occupied by the friends. The service, which was conducted by Rev. Brooke, the pastor, assisted by Revs. S. N. Willson of the Presbyterian church and W. J. Forbes of M. E. conference, was very appropriate and impressive, dwelling upon the hope of them who died in the Lord. A beautiful tribute to the memory of Mrs. Banta, from her bereft companion, was read by Mr. Brooke. The floral offerings comprised two very handsome pieces which were placed upon stands at the head and foot of the casket respectively, being a pillow with a cross, heart and anchor, from the national teachers, and "The Gates Ajar," with the motto "We shall meet you," from the Parnassus society. The remains were followed by a large concourse of friends to the new cemetery, where the undertaker, Mr. Arnold, had a vault prepared of brick and cement, within which was a cedar case for the casket, all to be arched with masonry. Again the cermony was impressively conducted by the pastor, Rev. Brooke, and closed with pleasing benediction.
Newspaper: Porter County Vidette
Date of Publication: December 17, 1885
Volume Number: 29
Issue Number: 51
Page: 4
Column(s): 5
Key to Newspaper Publication Locations:
Newspapers Published in Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana
Chesterton Tribune
The Tribune
Westchester Tribune
Newspapers Published in Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana
Porter County Vidette
Practical Observer
Valparaiso Practical Observer
Vidette and Republic
Western Ranger
The obituaries and death notices appearing on this website have been transcribed exactly as they were originally published in the newspaper.
Please note that we do not provide photocopies or digital scans of obituaries and death notices
appearing on this website.
Obituary/death notice transcribed by Steven R. Shook