Historical Images of Porter County
Camp of Logansport Hunters on Cornell's Island
Kankakee River, Porter County, Indiana
Date: 1880
Source Type: Sketch
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: J. Lorenzo
Werich, Wilson Reed Berry (illustration)
Postmark: Not Applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: Isaac Cornell built a log cabin on this island in 1850.
Werich writes that the cabin was constructed to house railmakers who were
employed by Cornell to make rails. The cabin was later occupied by an old Native
American though its exact location cannot be determined by contemporary
information, Hardesty’s 1876 plat map strongly suggests that this island was
located in Boone Township’s Section 29.
Image Source:
Werich, J. Lorenzo. 1920. Pioneer Hunters of the Kankakee. Logansport,
Indiana: Chronicle Printing Company. 197 p. [see p. 137]

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook