Historical Images of Porter County
Foot Bridge over Pennsylvania R. R.
Valparaiso, Indiana
Date: 1914
Source Type: Postcard
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: C. E.
Barrett (#K.377)
Postmark: July 8, 1914, Hebron,
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: Built in the late 1880s, the student foot bridge over the
Pennsylvania Railroad tracks, which was located adjacent to the Valparaiso
University campus, was commonly referred to as "Lover's Repose." The foot bridge
was common location for students to socialize; it also provided access to
Sager's Lake on the opposite side of the tracks from the university. If a train
happened to pass under the foot bridge while a young couple was crossing, then
the couple was supposed to kiss until the train had passed. The bridge was
condemned by the Valparaiso Board of Works and Public Safety on June 9, 1967,
and dismantled later that year. The foot bridge was condemned because parts of the wooden structure were found to be decaying and
unsafe. The steel portion of the bridge was purchased and removed by Bill
Wellman and placed near Wellman's Restaurant on US Highway 30. On October 8,
2005, the original steel portion of the foot bridge was
relocated back onto the Valparaiso University campus, led by the Valparaiso Chapter of the American
Society of Civil Engineers. This view in this image is looking northeast.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook