Historical Images of Porter County
Kouts Bull Dogs, Baseball Team
Kouts, Indiana
Date: 1925
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Kouts
Centennial Book (1965)
Postmark: Not applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: Front row
(l-r): Pinney Sommers, Stewart Hofferth, Roy Sawatzki, Herbert Ellenson, Elmer
Werner, Marshall (Mike) Sommers, George Sandberg. Back row (l-r) Lee Riley, Bob
Hofferth, Lee Sommers, Paul Ketchmark, Bill Rosenbaum (manager), Walter (Bud)
Sommers, Floyd Kerlinkska, Fred (Rosie) Hamann, Roland Graham, Lawrence
Ketchmark. Bat boy Marion Wise and players Don Crowe and Jim Lauer were not
present for photograph.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook