Historical Images of Porter County
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Station
Chesterton, Indiana
Date: April 15, 1968
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: William F.
Rapp, Jr.
Postmark: Not applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: Built in 1914, the Lake Shore
& Michigan Southern Railway depot was later operated by the New York Central Railroad. Included on
the back of this photograph is the following typewritten description: "The
Chesterton dept is 41 miles from Chicago and is designed on a standard
rectangular plan. The brick depot building features a tiled roof, deep set
multi-paned glass windows, and carved wood brackets. A short open canopy shelter
is at one end of the building, which has been well maintained, and still in use
when this view of April 15, 1968 was taken."

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook