Historical Images of Porter County
High School
Valparaiso, Indiana
Date: Circa 1940s
Source Type: Postcard
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: E. C.
Kropp Company (#22, #17877)
Postmark: None
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: The is building was the third public high school to be
constructed in Valparaiso. Completed in 1927 at a cost of $250,000, it is
located on the southwest corner of Park street and Campbell Street. The Boucher
Gymnasium, attached to the school building and seen at the far right in this
image, was completed in 1928 at a cost of $112,000. At the time of the
gymnasium's completion, it was considered one of the most modern gymnasiums in
Indiana. Today, the building houses the Benjamin Franklin Middle School.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook