Historical Images of Porter County
Porter County Infirmary
Valparaiso, Indiana
Date: 1907 or 1908
Source Type: Postcard
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Elmer E.
Starr (#61394)
Postmark: August 18, 1908, Valparaiso,
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: During the mid-nineteenth century, a movement was taking
place in the United States and Western Europe recognizing the plight of the
poor, indigent, and mentally unstable citizens. In the United States, many
counties established what were often referred to as poor houses, poor farms,
infirmaries, and asylums. Generally, mentally unstable individuals were also
housed at these county-established residences, though most states also erected
state mental institutions to house those citizens of the state that were deemed
to be more problematic for the counties to handle and maintain in an adequate
state of care.
The genesis of Porter County’s “Poor Farm” took place on June 7, 1855, when the
Porter County Commissioners approved the purchase of 80 acres from William C.
Pennock for the sum of $3,000. This land comprised the east one-half of the
southwest quarter of Section 26 in Center Township. Pennock became the first
superintendent of the Porter County Poor Farm, accommodating the poor in the
home already located on the newly purchased property.
On September 1, 1856, a new dwelling constructed by George C. Buel was opened on
the poor farm property to house the poor. This structure was had a footprint of
32 x 45 feet and cost the county $2,482, being paid with a combination of cash
and county-issued bond revenue. Residents were, for the most part,
self-sufficient. Shelter and meals were provided to the residents in exchange
for labor in farming and upkeep of the property.
An adjacent 80 acres directly east of the Porter County Poor Farm was purchased
by the county for $3,200 in March 1866 to expand the farm to 160 acres. The farm
was expanded again on June 16, 1875, when the county purchased all that part of
the northeast quarter of Section 35 in Center Township which was lying north and
east of Salt Creek and south of a line drawn parallel with the north line of the
quarter for $1,200. On June 9, 1876, yet another purchase took place to expand
the farm when the county purchased southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of
Section 27 in Center Township for $1,200.
The home seen in this image was the third and final home to be located on the
Porter County Poor Farm. Designed by local architect Charles F. Lembke, ground
was broken for this $25,000 structure soon after the sale of county-issued bonds
on August 7, 1905; construction was completed in 1906. Shortly after this
building was completed, a barn was erected on the property at a cost of $4,000.
At some point in time before the construction of this building, the Porter
County Poor Farm was being more often referred to as the Porter County Asylum.
This suggests that the county was transitioning from housing the poor and
indigent to include individuals with real and perceived mental deficiencies and
what were considered, at that time, socially undesirable characteristics. As
reported in early twentieth century county newspapers, the institutionalized
included the truly insane, such sociopaths, psychopaths, and the delusional, as well
as the poor and indigent, unemployed (bums and hobos), epileptics, adulterers,
prostitutes and loose women, homosexuals, alcoholics, and drug addicts.
Oftentimes, the Porter County Asylum served as a temporary housing solution
before an individual was committed to the Porter County Jail, Indiana State
Prison, or one of the state-operated mental institutions. As evident by the
writing on this postcard, the name of institution had evolved into the Porter
County Infirmary by 1907. On November 11, 2005, this structure was heavily
damaged by an arsonist using kerosene as an accelerant. The extent of the damage
was so severe that it was decided to raze the building, which took place during
late February and early March of 2006.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook