Historical Images of Porter County
Catholic Church
Valparaiso, Indiana
Date: Circa 1915-1925
Source Type: Postcard
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Paul R.
Vogel Company (#805)
Postmark: None
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: Located on the corner of Chicago Street and Campbell Street, the
cornerstone of St.
Paul's Catholic Church was laid on Sunday, October 7, 1883, by Bishop
Dwenger of Fort Wayne, and dedicated for use on October 17, 1886. More than
8,000 people witnessed the laying of the church cornerstone. The church seen
here was the first permanent home for Roman Catholics in the Valparaiso area.
Built under the direction of Father Michael O'Reilly, the church cost $40,000 to
build and was one of the largest churches in Indiana upon its completion. The
church was 153 in length, with a transept of 95 feet, a 65 foot nave, and a
spire nearly 200 feet in height. Money was raised for church construction by
parishioners donating 25 cents a week to a building fund. This structure no longer exists.
Prior to the construction of this church, the congregation met in the second
story of Hughart's Hall, which was rented for $2 per Sunday. Hughart's Hall
later became Wilson's Hardware.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook