Historical Images of Porter County
Double Chorus Choir in Christian Church
Valparaiso, Indiana
Date: 1901
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Hinea and Schuldt
Postmark: Not applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: This is a "ivoryette
finish" cabinet card. Individuals are identified as Myrtle Lamb, Anna DeLay, C.
C. Clark, S. C. Reed, E. Smackells, A. P. Foster, W. W. Smith, Estella
Diffenbauch, Grace Dye, Grace Groth, M. C. Strycker, H. L. Butler, J. B.
Showalter, N. C. Garvick, W. C. Ryan, Lillian Campbell, Ida Orton, Mrs. Beach,
W. Huntington, Estella Alexander, Clara DeLay, H. R. Buell, Mrs. C. E. Stanton,
and Ethel Stuckman. Located on the northwest corner of Franklin Street and
Chicago Street, the First Christian Church was constructed in 1888.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook