Historical Images of Porter County
Indian Medicine Company, Promotional Trade Card
Tremont, Indiana
Date: Circa 1945
Source Type: Promotional trade card
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Indian
Medicine Company
Postmark: Not applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: "SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND" The Old Original Medicine Man, Open
9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Closed Wednesday and Thursday. WITH HIS WONDERFUL REMEDIES He
knows your troubles without you telling him. Don't fail to see him and be
convinced. He speaks French, Spanish, Italian, German, understands Polish and
all the Indian dialects. His remedies are barks, herbs, berries and seeds. Don't
be without your medicine, send back the label or the correct name of medicine
needed, and we will ship it to you at once. If I help you tell your friends; if
not, tell me. During my absence tell his assistant your ailment and knowing his
remedies, can help you. Take Rt. 12 (old 49) 45 miles from Chicago, 17 miles
from Gary, going east. Coming west 9 miles from Michigan City on North West
corner, at Tremont, Ind. For your convenience this winter take the South Shore,
get off at Tremont going east. Coming West, take the South Shore from South Bend
to Tremont. PLEASE RETURN OUR BOTTLES. For All Correspondings Call or Write R.
A. BERCIER, Secretary-Treasurer, R. R. No. 2, Box 60, Telephone Chesterton 4455.

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