Historical Images of Porter County
William J. and Eva Anna (Czizek) Michaels Residence
Porter, Indiana
Date: September 2, 1907
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Unknown
Postmark: Not applicable
Collection: Gordon D. Rogers
This photograph shows Eva Anna (Czizek) Michaels and her
husband William J. "Bill" Michaels outside their residence.
This house still stands [2014] and is located on the southwest corner of the
intersection of Franklin Street and Pleasant Avenue in Porter, Porter County,
The following obituaries for Eva Anna (Czizek) Michaels were published in The
Vidette-Messenger in 1938:
PORTER, Ind., Feb. 2 -- Mrs. Eva Anna Michaels, age 66 years, died this morning
at 5 o'clock at her home here. Death was due to ptomaine poisoning, with which
she was stricken Monday night. Yesterday her condition was materially improved,
but during the night she suffered a heart attack.
She was born on June 24, 1872, in Chicago, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Czizek. Forty-three years ago she married to William Michaels, in Porter.
Surviving besides the husband, are one daughter, Marjorie, at home; one sister,
Mrs. Margaret Vincent, of River Forest, Ill.; two brothers, Frank Czizek, of
Porter, and Nicholas Czizek, of Harvey, Ill., and nine nieces and nephews,
including the following: Mrs. Emil Anderson, Mrs. R. C. Halford, Frances, John
and Edward Czizek, of Porter; John Vincent, of Hobart, and Charles Vincent, of
Michigan City.
Memorial services will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Patrick's
Catholic church, Chesterton, Rev. E. F. Eisenhardt officiating. Burial will be
in Chesterton cemetery.
The body will be taken to the home Thursday evening where friends may call up
until time of services.
CHESTERTON, Feb 5 – Funeral services for Mrs. Eva Anne Michaels, 65, Porter, who
passed away Wednesday were held this morning at 10 o'clock from St. Patrick's
church, with Rev. E. F. Eisenhardt officiating. Burial took place in Chesterton
cemetery. Members of the Catholic Ladies Rosary society attended at the home
Friday evening, to pay their respects.
The following obituary for William Michaels was published in The
Vidette-Messenger in 1958:
CHESTERTON -- William J. Michaels, 85, Lake Worth, Fla., died at West Palm Beach
Saturday, after a long illness, it was reported here today. He had lived in
Porter most of his life, moving to Florida in 1939.
He was a past master of Calumet lodge 379, F&AM and a member of Lakeland lodge
in Florida.
He was born in Germany June 17, 1873. His wife, Eva, preceded him in death.
Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. Fred Lorenz, Chesterton, one sister, Mrs. Henry
Donovan, Gary, four grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Services will be held at the White Funeral home in Chesterton, Saturday at 2 p.
m., with the Rev. H. J. Heubschmann, of St. John's Church of Christ, Chesterton,
officiating. Burial will be made in Chesterton cemetery.
Friends may call at the White Funeral home in Chesterton after 2 p. m. Friday
until time of services.
The Vidette Messenger, Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana; February 2,
1938; Volume 11, Page 1, Column 3
The Vidette-Messenger, Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana; February 5
1938; Volume 11, Page 4, Column 8
The Vidette-Messenger, Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana; December 24,
1958; Volume 3, Number 145, Page 6, Column 7

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook