Historical Images of Porter County
Emil Anderson Residence
Porter, Indiana
Date: Circa 1920
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Unknown
Postmark: Not applicable
Collection: Gordon D. Rogers
Emil Anderson's home was located
at 100 Lincoln Street in Porter, Indiana.
The following is a biography of Emil Anderson taken from Cannon, Loring, and
Robb's 1927 book (pp. 501-502) concerning the history of the Calumet Region on
EMIL ANDERSON - Emil Anderson is one of the owners of the firm known as
Wannegar and Anderson, of Porter, Indiana, which occupies a distinctive place in
this community, it being the only concern handling a line of lumber, coal, coke
and building material. Prior to this activity Mr. Anderson had a diversified
business experience. He was born in Chesterton, Indiana, on May 10, 1888, the
son of Charles F. and Emma (Sederberg) Anderson, both of whom were of Swedish
nativity and came to America shortly after their marriage. They located in
Chesterton in 1881 and to them were born the following children: Charles W.;
Hilma; J. A.; Emil; Esther, the wife of Alex Carlson; Anna, wife of Arthur
Pillman; Jennie, who is now Mrs. Bryan Sewall of Gary; and Emma, the wife of
John Charlesworth. Emil Anderson attended the Chesterton schools and on the
completion of his studies he secured work as a grocery clerk and later served in
the Gary steel mills. In 1920 he decided to come to Porter and in that year he
engaged in the lumber and coal business in this town. While the nucleus of the
business was modestly substantial, it was a firm foundation upon which has since
been developed the present business. The firm occupies not only a singular place
in the community, but also enjoys a wide measure of popularity due to the very
evident fairness and good business methods used by those who direct it. On the
organization of the company Frank Wannegar became a partner, and it has since
been conducted as it was on its organization. Mr. Anderson married Bertha, the
daughter of Frank and Alice (Czizek) Wannegar, of Porter, Indiana, the father
being the partner in the firm. To this union was born one child, Dorothy May, a
student in the Porter schools. Mr. Anderson belongs to a number of organizations
and has probably been more active in promoting the interests of the Chamber of
Commerce than any other body, but nevertheless he has found time to divert his
attention to general matters of civic interest.
Source: Cannon, Thomas H., H. H. Loring, and Charles J. Robb. 1927.
History of the Lake and Calumet Region of Indiana Embracing the Counties of
Lake, Porter and Laporte. Volume II. Indianapolis, Indiana: Historians'
Association. 827 p.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook