Historical Images of Porter County
Chicago Hydraulic Pressed Brick Company, Rack Car
Porter, Indiana
Date: 1906
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: The
Clay-Worker, March 1906
Postmark: Not Applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: In 1890, the Chicago Hydraulic Pressed Brick
Company established a large production facility at Porter. Two additional
facilities were erected in Porter over the next decade. On October 21, 1904,
the plant was destroyed by fire, with the exception of the barns, clay sheds,
and some minor buildings. The fire resulted in a loss reported to be $50,000.
Early in the spring of 1905 the plant was rebuilt, and the buildings were made
to be more fire proof. The image how the brick manufacturing facility in 1906
after it was rebuilt. The facility ceased operations in 1924 when clay was
becoming to scarce, and thereby too expensive, to make brick manufacturing
profitable in the area.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook