Historical Images of Porter County
Porter Brick Yards
Porter, Indiana
Date: October 1904
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Unknown
Postmark: Not Applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: Inscribed on the reverse of this 5"
x 7" photograph is "Porter Brick Yards." It is believed that this photograph was
taken after a fire destroyed the manufacturing facility of the Chicago Hydraulic
Pressed Brick Company in Porter on October 20, 1904, resulting in a loss exceeding
$100,000 (approximately $2.8 million measured in 2015 dollars). The company
rebuilt the facility and ceased manufacturing bricks in 1924 when clay in the
area became too scarce.
The Friday,
October 21, 1904, issue of the The Chesterton Tribune reported [Volume
21, Number 29, Page 9, Column 6] that "The works of the Chicago Hydraulic
Pressed Brick company, located at Porter, are in flames. Fire was discovered in
the shipping department at 9:15 this (Thursday) morning, and at 10 o'clock
almost the whole of the entire works were down, except the office, and it may be
possible to save the barns. A locomotive on the Lake Shore is said to have
caused the fire. Lack of water and adequate fire fighting facilities, together
with a high south wind, prevented any fight being made that had a shadow of
chance to be successful. The loss is enormous. No particulars can be learned at
this writing, as the whole brickyard force and most of the population of the two
towns are fighting the flames."
The next issue of The Chesterton Tribune [Volume 21, Number 30, Page 1,
Columns 4 and 5], dated October 28, 1904, provided the following synopsis of the
blaze at the brick yards:
Is What the Flames Made of the Works of the Chicago Hydraulic Press Brick
Particulars of the Greatest Disaster That Ever Visited Porter.
In the last issue of The Tribune we had barely time to make a mere mention of
the terrible calamity that befell Porter last Thursday, and were obliged to go
to press as the fire was at its height. In this article we shall endeavor to
give our readers the particulars that can be gathered up to this time. The size
of the calamity has dazed the people, and even yet, little can be learned.
The fire was first discovered at about 8:45 a. m., in the southwest end of the
stock shed in the roof. One of the men unloading coal saw the flames and raised
the alarm. Instantly the company's fire alarm was turned on, and without any
delay water was turned on the flames. A fierce gales was blowing from the
southwest, and the immense stock shed, nine hundred feet long and high enough to
clear a locomotive, acted as an immense chimney, through which the flames and
smoke belched with indescribable fury. In an incredible short space of time this
shed was converted into a fiery furnace, and every fighter was driven out. The
entrance to the main aisle which leads up through the kilns to the boiler rooms
and press rooms acted as another flue for the fire, and all these parts of the
works were soon a seething mass of flames. The men worked with the energy of
despair, and in a number of instances some of them came near perishing. Chas.
Stevens, G. N. Sward and Andrew Anderson, who were loading cars in the stock
shed, came near losing their lives, and only escaped by rolling on the ground to
a place of safety. A number of others had to burst their way through walls to
escape. At ten minutes after nine o'clock the entire works, covering about ten
acres, were a mass of flames. This included the stock sheds in which were stored
about five millions of brick, the drying sheds, in which were stored half a
million brick, the three story press rooms, the boiler room, machine shop,
carpenter shop, grinding room, blacksmith shop, the martin machine room, No. 3
press room, a three story brick structure, six fancy brick dryer rooms, filled
with shape brick, and about two hundred fancy brick molds, the straw sheds
filled with 80 tons of straw, one coal shed filled with 150 tons of coal, one
empty car and coke shed filled with coke. The oil house was broken open and the
barrels rolled to a place of safety, thereby saving the barns. The office, a two
story brick building, was saved. For a time it looked as though at least a part
of the village of Porter must go, too. The Lake Shore engines, stationed at
Chesterton, hauled water from Chesterton to feed the fire engine from
Chesterton, and it was due to this fact that the flames did not spread over the
town. It will be realized that as soon as the flames stopped the company's fire
pump the company's means of defense was taken away, and there was nothing left
but the fire department apparatus of Chesterton to fight with. The members of
this company worked with effect and did effective work, and did hold at bay the
fire that threatened the office and the town. That the company appreciated its
efforts is best evidenced by the fact that Mr. E. C. Kimball, general manager of
the company, sent Captain Haslett the following letter, accompanied by his check
for $100:
Chicago, Oct 24, 1904
Mr. C. L. Haslett,
Capt., Chesterton Fire Dept.,
Chesterton, Ind.,
Dear Sir:
We enclose herewith our check to your order for $100, for the benefit of your
company. We do this in appreciation of your work at our yard at Porter Thursday
last. As our works practically are a complete loss, we feel that this amount is
only showing you in a small measure how we appreciate the work of yourself and
your associates in saving what little we have left.
Kindly sign the receipt attached to our check, and mail to
Yours truly,
Chicago Hydraulic Press Brick Co.
E. C. Kimball, Gen'l manager.
Upon its receipt the boys were dumfounded, but knowing the man behind the check
as they did, they accepted it in the spirit it was sent, and will use it in the
betterment of the facilities they have.
Manager E. C. Kimbell and Mr. S. S. Kimbell reached the scene of the fire at
11:45 that day, the Michigan Central stopping its last train to get them here.
By that time there was nothing to be done but wait until the fire cooled down.
Guards were placed around the plant, which have been kept on duty night and day
ever since for the safety of the public. There are so many underground flues in
the burnt district that there was danger that some one might lose his life while
looking over the ruins.
The kilns, fourteen in number, are damaged but slightly. These cost to erect
about $10,000 each. Those filled with brick are still in commission, and the
fires were lit under the first one last Saturday. The second one was started
Tuesday. On Monday the loading gangs went to work loading cars by wagon, as the
railroad tracks were warped out of shape.
So far it is found that at least 25 per cent of the brick are ruined. In the
small piles the brick are ruined by both smoke and heat, and check and break
when disturbed. In the larger piles the damage is not so complete, and after
removing the outer layers the brick comes out in fairly good condition. The net
loss on the stock of brick will amount to about $15,000. It is found that one of
the 50-horse hydraulic press engines and press is not damaged beyond repairs,
and it is hoped that the other hydraulic outfit will be found in as good a
condition. The boilers are not seriously damaged. They were full of water at the
breaking out of the fire.
The work of cleaning up the debris was begun immediately, and will continue
until the site is cleared. As to the loss sustained, no one, not even the
officials of the company, will venture to estimate it, but it is safe and
conservative to say that it will require the expenditure of at least $100,000 to
start the works again. The company has not decided what it will do regarding
rebuilding. A number of the leading officials have been on the grounds, and not
until the directors have full information and make a decision, will it be known
what will be done. As to insurance we cannot learn whether any was carried or
not. Indications are that none was carried in the regular fire insurance
companies, as no adjusters have been here, and if any was carried it is likely
that it was in the Mutual, operated by the twelve hydraulic companies in the
country, who carry their own insurance.
All of the employes of the plant are at work. They number about ninety men, and
are clearing away debris and loading cars with brick. If the company decides to
rebuild they will all be utilized in the work. If not, the greater portion of
them will be obliged to move away. This is the condition today, and it is this
uncertainty that is so depressing.
The company has such immense interests still here that it does not seem possible
that it will not rebuild. It owns over three hundred acres of land, two hundred
acres of which is as fine as there is in the world for brick making purposes. It
has about $150,000 invested in brick kilns that are practically uninjured.
Besides this a great deal of the machinery can be repaired so that it will be as
good as ever, and to abandon Porter would mean a great loss to the company, as
the kilns cannot be moved. We shall hope for the best, but prepare for the

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook