Historical Images of Porter County
Eight Square School
Pine Township, Porter County, Indiana
Date: Circa 1920s
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Unknown
Postmark: Not applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Eight Square School was located southwest of the intersection of County
Line Road and County Road 1275 North was built around 1852. The Eight Square
Cemetery, which was located directly to the west, was named after the school.
Historically, Eight Square School represented School District Number 1 of Pine
Township. Goodspeed and Blanchard provide a detailed description of this school
in their 1882 history of
Porter County: “It was an eight-square structure, built of narrow, thick boards
placed upon each other and lapping alternately at the corners, thus making a
wall about as thick as a an ordinary brick wall, and of such a substantial
nature that after the lapse of thirty years it stands [1882] apparently as solid
as ever. It has been weather-boarded, and presents an attractive appearance.
Isaac Weston sawed the lumber for this house, and John Frame and Elias Dresden
were prominent among those who constructed the building and organized the
school.” This school was discontinued before 1891, but was still utilized for
church services until 1914. The structure was razed around 1931.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook