Historical Images of Porter County
Jackson Center High School
Jackson Township, Porter County, Indiana
Date: 1910
Source Type: Postcard
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Unknown
Postmark: January 20, 1911, Valparaiso,
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: The school house seen in this image was the first of three
high schools constructed to serve Jackson Township residents.
The Jackson Center High School was located northwest of the intersection of County
Road 350 East and Tratebas Road. Historically, Jackson Center High School
represented School District Number 3 of Jackson Township.
This school site was considered jinxed since it was heavily damaged by
tornadic winds on two occasions. Constructed in 1901 as a two-room
brick structure, the school shown in this postcard was completely demolished by
a tornado on November 11, 1911. A three-room brick school was constructed on the
same site only to have its roof and west wall completed destroyed by tornadic
winds on May 11, 1929. It was then decided to relocate the township school to
County Road 400 East, north of U.S. Route 6. After being damaged by a tornado a
second time, the remaining parts of the three-rrom school building and its contents were sold at
auction by the Jackson Township trustee on November 29, 1930, to Everett
Eggleston for $123.
This postcard was sent by sisters Anna Belle and Edith Jane Peterson to their
cousins Pearl and Zella Critchfield. Anna and Edith, age 15 and 17 respectively
when this postcard was mailed, were residents of Jackson Township and the
daughters of Caleb and Ida A. (Weidner) Peterson. Their message to their cousins
states: "This is our school house. You can see the High School. How are you
getting along." Edith married Joseph G. Annis and passed away in 1959 at
LaPorte, while Anna married Arthur A. Crowe and passed away in 1991 in Texas.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook