Historical Images of Porter County
Bryant School, Boone Township School District No. 6
Hebron, Indiana
Date: Circa 1898 to 1902
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Brown's
Drug Store, A. H. Reading (Knox, Indiana)
Postmark: Not Applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: The frame school house seen here,
commonly referred to as the Bryant School, was constructed prior to 1880. The
school was located two miles directly south of the town of Hebron on the
southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 33 North,
Range 6 West on land owned by Robert Bryant, hence the school's name. Nothing
remains at the site today [2015], which can viewed by examining the northeast
corner of the intersection of U.S. Route 231 and County Road 1000 South.
Students attending this school lived within School District No. 6 of Boone
Township. In 1922, with school consolidation taking place across all the
townships of Porter County, the Bryant School was closed and students were
transferred to the Hebron School in Hebron. By 1934, no school building was
standing on the site. The teacher visible to the far left is identified on the
reverse of this photograph as Mabel Burgess Rice. According to records on Find
A Grave,
Mable Burgess was born Ellen Dolan in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. On
February 14, 1879, she was placed in the Chicago Orphan Asylum, but was soon
adopted by Joseph and Ann Burgess on August 3, 1880. Mable graduated from
Valparaiso University and taught school prior to her marriage to Clair Malcolm
Rice in Kankakee, Kankakee County, Illinois, on January 3, 1902. Mable and Clair
had the following children: Burgess, James, Clair, John, Keaton, and Ruth. Mable
died February 9, 1943, in Butler, Bates County, Missouri.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook