Historical Images of Porter County
Hebron Public Library, Hebron, Indiana
Hebron, Indiana
Date: Circa 1930s
Source Type: Postcard
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Auburn
Post Card Company
Postmark: None
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: Leadership for the organization of a
public library in Hebron was provided by the Fortnightly Club, a local social
and cultural club. During February 1917, this club, under the chairmanship of
Myrtle Childs, began a movement to establish a library in town. A petition
containing fifty signatures of individuals each pledging a subscription of
$2.98, a requirement under the Indiana library law, was fulfilled; an additional
$1,000 was raised by the community. In September 1917, a library board was
formed composed of M. E. Dinsmoore, Carrie F. Nichols, Nettie Bryant, O. E.
Nichols, Jessie Bryant, J. T. Buchanan, and Elizabeth Patton. The library board
soon purchased a site for the construction of a new library, a corner house and lot
at 201 West Sigler Street formerly known as
the Robert Kenney property, at a cost of $1,300; M. E. Dinsmore, president of
the library board, mortgaged his home for the payment of the library site
property until he could be reimbursed by the board. The Carnegie Corporation
provided a donation totaling $10,000 to construct the library, while the local
community provided $2,500. Eagle Creek Township in Lake County, Indiana, added
$1,250 to the building fund and gained access for its use once construction was
complete. Building of the library was deferred until 1921, largely due to high
building material costs that resulted from World War I shortages. Prior to 1921,
the library operated out of the house sitting on the future library site. The
library was formally dedicated on April 28, 1922, with Carrie Nichols serving as
the first librarian. By 1935, the library had an inventory of 5,345 volumes,
1,000 patrons, and an annual circulation of 20,852 loans. The Hebron Public
Library merged with the Porter County Public Library System in July 1990. The
original Carnegie building was renovated and substantially enlarged in 1995 in
order to meet the needs of the community.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook