Historical Images of Porter County
John B. Lundberg
Chesterton, Indiana
Date: 1948 [original taken earlier]
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Retail
Merchants Association, Chesterton, Indiana
Postmark: Not applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: Born in 1840 in Sweden, John B. Lundberg
emigrated to Chesterton in 1866. Lundberg established a furniture store and
undertaking business in downtown Chesterton and was quite active in the
community. Lundberg served as Westchester Township Trustee, Westchester Township
Assessor, Porter County Commissioner, and as the first president of the
Chesterton Town Board. Lundberg passed away in 1909.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook