Historical Images of Porter County
New York-to-Paris Automobile Race
Burdick, Indiana
Date: 1908
Source Type: Photograph
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: The
Automotor Journal [Volume 8, Number 13, Page 1]
Postmark: Not applicable
Collection: Steven R. Shook
Remark: The caption for this photograph set states "NEW YORK-PARIS. --
Scenes on the trip across America on the New York-Paris Race. The top picture
represents a team of horses at night near Burdick, Indiana, hitched on to the
American Thomas car, to help it on its way. The lower picture is a typical scene
on the road, also in Indiana. Both are almost as picturesque as Signor
Scarfoglio's cabled accounts of his doings on the journey."
The following description of the New York-to-Paris Automobile Race through Northwest
Indiana was published in the February 27, 1908, issue of The Motor World
[Volume 17, Number 22, Pages 931-932]:
American Car Leads the Way, After Strenuous Struggle Through Snow -- Horses Play
Important Parts.
Although an Arctic explorer predicted that if the contestants in the so-called
New York-Paris race ever succeeded in getting to Alaska the contest would
develop into a struggle between them to see who could procure the most dogs in
the shortest period of time, dismantle the car and load it on sleds to be pulled
by the canines, reports from snowbound Indiana show that it already has
developed into a call for horses instead of dogs. Whichever of the five
contestants can secure the most horses and the largest crews of rural snow
shovelers is the one that makes the greatest headway.
"This is no race," wires Bourcier St. Chaffray, of the DeDion outfit, to the New
York newspaper promoting the American end of the affair, and the Frenchman seems
to have guessed right the very first time. It is an endurance contest but not in
the accepted sense; it is more of a combination horse-pulling and snow-shovelling
Chicago, 1,043 miles from New York, was reached by the leading Thomas car,
Tuesday afternoon. The French DeDion and the Italian Zust had progressed as far
as Michigan City, 987 miles, while the German Prothos was last reported at
Ligonier, Ind., 912 miles. The Motobloc, the other French car, had gotten to
Kendallville, Ind., Tuesday, and at last reports was still going on.
Roberts, in the Thomas car, has had a terrible time of it in the last week.
Since he left Kendallville, Ind., six days ago, he has covered only 152 miles,
an average of 25 1-3 miles per day. Much of this distance was accomplished with
the aid of horses and large crews of snow shovelers, while more of the ground
has been covered on rural trolley tracks, which necessitated much bumping over
railroad ties and trestles. In that time his longest day's run was on Thursday,
from Burdick, Ind., to Chicago, 47 miles. The day before only 9 miles were
covered, from Michigan City to Burdick, and this distance was literally dug and
pulled through yard by yard.
Robert's experience has been the experience of others. The cars have had to be
pulled through anywhere from two to twelve feet of snow in Indiana and the
farmers are reaping a harvest. According to the correspondent in the Thomas car
it has cost $800 to cover the 64 miles between South Bend and Hobart, while the
mile and one-half of snow drift near Burdick station, reached at 7 a. m.
Tuesday, cost the Thomas outfit $95. This went to the farmers for digging the
car out of the drifts and using their horses to pull it through the smaller
ones. All the other drivers report similar experiences.
It was a relief to Roberts and his fatigued crew when they sighted Chicago on
Tuesday afternoon. In the fourteen days since his departure he has lost twenty
pounds in weight; he looked it when he reached Chicago. Part of the last day
into Chicago was covered on the tracks of the Lake Shore and the Elgin, Joliet
and Eastern railroads. As Chicago was entered ten cars from the Chicago
Automobile Club met the Thomas car and escorted it to the club house, where the
crew got their first real rest since leaving Buffalo. The Thomas car will be
thoroughly overhauled in Chicago and will not leave before this morning
Although Roberts has had a strenuous time in leading the way to Chicago, the
foreigners have had just as hard a time in their rear chase after the American
car. If Roberts and his crew were tired when they reached Chicago, the
foreigners are practically "all in." Maas and Knape, on the German car, are
about used up and Lieutenant Koeppen, the other member of the German party, has
gone on to Chicago by train to arrange for extra tires and parts so the car will
not be delayed when it reaches the Windy City.
As was expected the French DeDion and Italian Zust cars reached Chicago last
night (Wednesday). The Thomas crew spent the day resting in Chicago, and the
Frenchmen and Italians will remain to-day and are expected to leave with the
Thomas car to-morrow.
The entry of the DeDion and Zust into Chicago afforded some excitement, as it
prompted a good natured race between the two cars. Nearly one hundred cars acted
as escort and a brass band helped make some enthusiasm, although it could not be
stopped from playing "We Won't Get Home Till Morning!" It wasn't the case for
the Zust beat the DeDion to the club house by just one minute, arriving at 6:32
p.m., after which banquets were in order.
The German Prothos car was reported at 3 p. m. yesterday at Elkhart, Ind.,
having covered 932 miles, while the Motobloc was at Goshen, Ind., at 5 p.m.
Probably the most disagreeable incident of the contest occurred on Tuesday
night, when the Motobloc car was looted of its entire outfit, according to a
dispatch from Charles Godard, its commander. It may have been the sight of two
cases of champagne strapped to the car which prompted the loot, but anyway,
according to Godard, the car was left in a barn at Goshen, Ind., over night.
When he examined the car the next morning it had been stripped of every thing,
including the champagne, cameras, films, guns, tools, ammunition, supplies,
clothes and even the crew's extra change of linen. Godard states that the
authorities refused to aid them in any way and that their inability to speak
English perfectly caused the police to regard them with suspicion. They
proceeded without having found a trace of the thieves.
What has become of the "independent" which left New York a day before the
"regular," by a different route, but also bound for Paris, no one knows or seems
to care. The three men on the car had a squabble between themselves when they
got to Philadelphia, and one of them, LeLouvier, got his dander up and went back
to Paris. The others continued but have not been heard from since.

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