Historical Images of Porter County
American Colonial Village -- Old New England and
Beverly Shores, Indiana
Date: 1934
Source Type: Postcard
Publisher, Printer, Photographer: Unknown
Postmark: None
Collection: Carl O. Reed, Beverly Shores
Historical Society
Remark: The American Colonial Village occupies 2 1/2 acres on the site of
the Battle of Gettysburg. With Old North Church dominating one vista and Mount
Vernon the other. It presents all the quaint charm and historical romance of
America 200 years ago. Flanked by "Meeting Street," are the house of Paul Revere
in Boston, the governor's palace at Williamsburg, Va., the old Boston State
House, and Hawthorne's House of Seven Gables, at Salem. The village smithy of
Longfellow's poem, a Pilgrim settlement with split-log houses, Benjamin
Franklin's printing shop, Betsey Ross' shop and George Washington's birthplace
are reproduced. There are a pirates goal, a witch's house, a haunted house,
stocks and a ducking stool. World's Fair, Chicago. Note that several
structures in Colonial Village were removed to Beverly Shores, Indiana, upon
completion of the Chicago World's Fair.

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Image and related text prepared by Steven R. Shook